The Historical Evolution of the Word “Macho” and its Relationship with Racism and Racial Discrimination: A Sociolinguistic and Diachronic Analysis in the United States of America and Mexico




Sociolinguistics, Mock Spanish, Racism, Macho


The article discusses the historical evolution of the word "macho" in Mexico and the United States, addressing how it relates to issues of racism, racial discrimination, and the use of mock Spanish (parody Spanish). The research uses a sociolinguistic and diachronic approach, analyzing how the use and meaning of the word "macho" have changed over time. The research, of a bibliographic and qualitative nature, was based on authors such as Hill (1995, 2008), Machillot (2013), Paredes (1971), Gutiérrez (1995), among other authors who directly address racial and discrimination issues of Latin communities in the United States. As supporting texts, the work relied on the productions of Bizzochi (2021), Janson (2020), Butler (1997), Galván Torres (2021), Anzaldúa (1987) and Mosher (1991). The results show that the word “macho” has historically been used in a derogatory way to refer to men of Latin descent, particularly Mexicans, reinforcing negative stereotypes and perpetuating racial discrimination. In addition, the work discusses how the use of mock Spanish has contributed to the construction of a stereotypical and disrespectful image of the Latin community in the United States. The study concludes that despite the strong alteration in the initial concept of the word “macho”, it is important to continue monitoring and analyzing the use of language, as it may have significant implications for how people are treated and perceived in society.



How to Cite

de Cerqueira Castro, J. (2023). The Historical Evolution of the Word “Macho” and its Relationship with Racism and Racial Discrimination: A Sociolinguistic and Diachronic Analysis in the United States of America and Mexico . Revista Comunicando, 12(2), e023017.