Unmasking technology: free will against efficient causality





Determinism, technology, freedom of choice, philosophy, communication


Through the study of existing literature is intended to reflect on how exposure to technology can have profound social changes, though not always intentional and with considerable freedom in the choice and use of those technologies. The problem is whether or not these are a fundamental condition that shapes our humanity and social organization placing the human factor as secondary.

Despite the various opinions, several of the studied authors concede that philosophically, Man and Technology live in an intricate and complex vortex of self-subsistence, showing that in reality there is no real confrontation between a free choice or a determined destination of technology in our lives.



How to Cite

Andrade, J. L. (2014). Unmasking technology: free will against efficient causality. Revista Comunicando, 3(1), 252–263. https://doi.org/10.58050/comunicando.v3i1.177