The Historical Arc and Contemporary Problems of Censorship. Review of Gergely Gosztonyi's Censorship from Plato to Social Media: The Complexity of Social Media’s Content Regulation and Moderation Practices




Freedom of Expression, Social Media, Digital Platforms


Gergely Gosztonyi's latest book delves into the contemporary landscape of censorship, emphasising the impact of new technologies. Amid an unprecedented ease of information sharing, the paradox of widespread yet easily restricted speech emerges, now influenced by major tech entities instead of traditional state or religious powers. Gosztonyi provides a nuanced typification system for various forms of censorship, highlighting historical perspectives from Plato to modern times to underscore pivotal legal theories on freedom of expression. The work navigates the evolution of content regulation driven by social media, highlighting legislative shortcomings and self-regulatory practices in the US and the European platform regulation framework with the signing of the Digital Services Act and the Digital Markets Act. Apart from providing a critical view on the practical applicability of these main schemes of internet regulation, a comparative analysis introduces the stringent Chinese model as an emerging global trend. A detailed examination of content moderation, combining artificial intelligence and human oversight, is suggested as the most viable path forward, ensuring transparency. European case law is meticulously analysed, illuminating the liability of online platforms for unlawful content and state-imposed internet restrictions. The book identifies global trends in digital authoritarianism and proposes 26 regulatory principles for effective internet governance. While the focus on freedom of expression may seem narrow, Gosztonyi's work stands as a pivotal resource for understanding and addressing the legal, technological, and societal dimensions of modern censorship.

Author Biography

János Bálint, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary

János Bálint is a PhD candidate at Eötvös Loránd University (Hungary) and trainee lawyer at CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang LLP Hungarian Branch Office. His PhD research is titled “EU Platform Regulation: Societal Challenges in the 21st Century”, focusing on the convergence of different legal fields (data protection, media, consumer protection and competition law) in the context of the European Union’s novel platform regulation legal framework. He also holds media law lectures at the Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary.



How to Cite

Bálint, J. (2024). The Historical Arc and Contemporary Problems of Censorship. Review of Gergely Gosztonyi’s Censorship from Plato to Social Media: The Complexity of Social Media’s Content Regulation and Moderation Practices. Revista Comunicando, 13(2), e024007.



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