Organisations, Virtualisation, and Internal Communication: Essaying Challenges in Pandemic Times




COVID-19, Organisations, Virtual Organisations, Internal Communication, Organisational Communication


The ongoing Coronavirus pandemic has led to the implementation of measures turned to the virtualisation of the organisations, mostly following the imposed homeworking duty, for an extended period. Such setting has strengthened to those which have been developing its activity in a non-presential way, that is, virtually, as well as those which were facing a total or partial virtualisation. Considering that communication is fundamental to the course of any organisation (Ruão, 2016), this essay approaches the internal communication. Without misleading this dimension of the communication and the organisational virtualisation, it is aimed to point out some challenges in this way. By the analysis of four case studies conducted in Europe, the authors of this work have reached that those challenges are mainly related to the efficient management of the communicational dynamics of the organisations, the improvement of their channels and easing of the feedback shared by the people who collaborate to the organisation, and an increase humanisation of the organisational activity itself. In the end, it is aimed to make the organisations’ environment more harmonious and healthier, especially when thinking of non-physical contexts, like those potentialized by the pandemic.



How to Cite

Ribeiro, P. E., & Costa, G. (2022). Organisations, Virtualisation, and Internal Communication: Essaying Challenges in Pandemic Times. Revista Comunicando, 11(1), e022009.