Rethinking skills and abilities for new generations. Proposals for a new media literacy




Media Literacy, News generations, Competencies and skills, Citizenship


With this work we aim to contribute to the more and more current reflection around the media literacy. Looking into the new digital context in which we are immersed, we’ll focus our attention in a new media literacy emergency which will rethink the concept of digital competencies in a widened perspective. Identifying the new generations as the first, although not unique, objects of this process, we’ll try to outline a set of necessary competencies and skills to the development of persons who can operate in nowadays network society as critical, creative and participative subjects. Therefore, in exploring the nature of these competencies, we’ll analyze the role each social actor is called to perform in the new educational paradigm, and we’ll forward some operative propositions we think may contribute positively to a new media literacy.



How to Cite

Petrella, S. (2012). Rethinking skills and abilities for new generations. Proposals for a new media literacy. Revista Comunicando, 1(1), 205–222.